“Hi Adriana, I wanted to tell you that I got more out of your healing than 2 months of physical therapy. Thank you thank you thank you. And I did not one but two pushups today!  First time since, well, you know…..(the accident). I’m doing better every day and my attitude and mental state have greatly improved. I actually feel good and happy and positive most of the time.  Pretty amazing, huh?” – Paul, East Hampton, 2022​

"Adriana is phenomenal in her ability to redirect the negative energy flow to a spiritual, positive result. I always feel renewed and refreshed afterward- with a new understanding of old, unhealthy patterns that can be lifted. I am blessed to have been the recipient of her healing gift." – Bonnie Trompeter Lowe, Model, Artist

"I have been a client of Adriana for the past 2 years. I highly recommend her for cranial sacral treatments. I have had many cranial sacral adjustments with Adriana and always got relief from any head or neck pain I was experiencing at the time.  She is also a gifted therapist with a wonderful non-judgmental approach, and always seems to get to the heart of whatever is bothering me. As an energy healer Adriana is second to none. In my opinion, if there were a PHD in energy work, Adriana would have it.  She is sensitive, intuitive, and a highly skilled metaphysical healer.  I strongly recommend Adriana for any metaphysical adjustments. She is a person of high integrity and professionalism." – Susan Seigel

"Adriana is a bright light that always brings true healing​ into my life from our work together.  She gets into my darkest spots and dissipates the energy so that what once haunted me, is suddenly released and I am free of old ideas, old patterns and paradigms that limit my life force. Working with her is the equivalent of twelve psychotherapy sessions, and even more effective yet. She is a truly gifted healer and a compassionate caring soul who has supported me with much generosity and grace throughout the years I've worked with her." – Anastasia Simone, Lightworker

"Adriana Barone is a therapeutic home base. She is like having a therapist, mother, healer, lawyer, psychic angel in your back pocket to draw upon. Her psychological support is healing and eye opening. Her energy work is also healing, strengthening and cleansing. Her good solid advice is invaluable. Adriana was a gift given to me by a friend during a difficult time in my life.  I will forever be grateful to this friend. I have given her name to many friends and each one continues to thank me." Kriena Nederveen, Personal Stylist

"I went to Adriana specifically for energy therapy. At the time I was experiencing some health issues which included several TIA's (a disruption of cerebral blood flow which are frequently referrred to as mini-strokes). I was worried about my health and knew I needed to do something to change or I would be facing more serious health problems.  I was searching to find a way to release some of the stress I was under. I had done traditional counseling off and on for many years so when a friend recommended Adriane to me  I thought, "Why not...I'll give it a try".

The sessions consisted of traditional talk therapy followed by some energy work, which felt to me similar to Reiki...or should I say "Talk Therapy and Reiki on speed!" Several days after my last session I had a tremendous breakthrough on some childhood events and buried feelings that I had been carrying inside me for over 50 years!  I felt free for the first time in all those years and I have not had a TIA since!! Thank you Adriana. Please continue doing what you do so well." – Nancy L

"What can I say about Adriana? When I first began seeing her in 1994 I was a mess. I had seen various gurus, therapists, spiritual teachers... all without much success. Then I met Adriana, and from the first session I knew that my life would never be the same. Her work, which is a cross of talk therapy, energetic healing, cranial sacral therapy and other consciousness raising techniques is, for me, without equal.​ I can safely say that we have done lifetimes worth of work in the years that we have known each other. To say that she has been instrumental in my spiritual growth and mental health would be a gross understatement. Currently, ​my life is one of peace, abundance, love and excitement. I can safely say that none of this would be possible without her. She has been my anchor during stormy days, a reflector of truth in dark times, a human spiritual compass when I've felt lost and, I'd like to think, a friend for life.” – Carlos Garcia, Social Worker

"I first went to Adriana Barone in 2007, having been referred to her by my sister. At the time I was dealing with the after-effects of a rather large scar (chest to abdomen) that I felt was blocking my energy. To be honest, I was dubious when Adriana put me on the table.  I laughingly described the process as ‘voodoo’ to a friend, but quickly added that I felt much better afterward. Still harboring some skepticism, I continued to see her, and quickly learned to leave my beliefs (read: prejudices) at the door and trust in her.  The results were tremendous.​

Early on, we also began traditional therapy.  I'd been through therapy a few in my life, and had little faith in the process.  But I'd never encountered a practitioner like Adriana.  I'd been able to talk around anything the other therapists wanted to lead me toward.  Not so with Adriana.  She nailed every evasion I tried to make, and forced me to deal with issues I'd found too painful to talk about.

Her style is so frank and open that I rapidly learned to read my own feelings on a whole new level.  It was like –- no, it was being equipped with a whole new set of tools. I've never recommended any therapist but Adriana to friends and family.  But I refer people to her on a regular basis, confident in the knowledge that they've never been to anyone like her, and that the results will be extraordinary." – B. Cole, Writer, Activist, Cabinet Maker​


"Adriana is ​amazing and seriously magic. She has moved energy for us all the way from Sag Harbor to Peru with instant results.​" – ​Monica Valentine Frisbie,  CEO, Mondrina Handbags

​"Whatever Adriana's combination of trainings are, there is something unique and extraordinary about the therapy/healing that begins with one phone call.  I don't really understand it, but I go deeper into the healing process immediately and hang up the phone feeling rejuvenated." – Susan Gallin, Producer

"Sometimes ​it's not enough to understand our problems cognitively or recognize our patterns ​intellectually.  Something is amiss that cannot be accessed simply by thinking or talking about it.  That is when I call Adriana.  In an incredibly efficient way, she clears the path so I feel better and know what I need to do.  I say she “clears the path” but really I think she clears clogged body energy.  In fact, I don't know what she does, nor how she does it.  But, her ​method works for me where other techniques have failed."​ – Marsha.S., M.D.


"Adriana has helped me countless times to clear blocks to successfully magnetize and create health, wealth and joy. Our focus has been my work in real estate and her 30-60 minute sessions helped me to quadruple my business in less than 2 years."​​​ – David Strah,  Author, MSW

"When I felt that the energy to the sale of my house was becoming blocked, Adriana worked with me and suggested
a price that the house was worth and that I would be happy with. Shortly after, two offers came in the same weekend at that price, and the sale went perfectly!"
​​ – Bonnie Trompeter Lowe, Model, Artist​